Title Requirements
Classes held at each trial include Novice, Excellent, Open and Master Agility and Novice, Excellent, Open and Master Jumping. Titles are awarded at having gained sufficient qualification for each level of AD (5 qualifications – 3 judges), ADX (6 qualifications-3 judges), ADO (5 qualifications- 3 judges), ADM (7 qualifications- 3 judges), JD (5 qualifications- 3 judges), JDX (6 qualifications- 3 judges), JDO (5 qualifications-3 judges) and JDM (7 qualifications-3 judges). The highest level of achievement is Agility Champion.
Requirements for Agility Champion are as outlined below:
Agility – after completion of the ADM title – gain 500 points. Points are awarded as follows:
1st place Qualifying score = 25 points
2nd Place Qualifying score = 20 points
3rd Place Qualifying score = 15 points
Qualifying score only = 10 points
Jumping - after completion of the JDM title – gain 500 points. Points are awarded as follows:
1st place Qualifying score = 25 points
2nd Place Qualifying score = 20 points
3rd Place Qualifying score = 15 points
Qualifying score only = 10 points
Snooker, Gamblers and Strategic Pairs. Games classes have three levels of difficulty – Novice (3 qualifications), Excellent (5 qualifications) and Master (7 qualifications).
Title application forms can be downloaded from - here